Monday 26 February 2018

무역 및 노동 직업을위한 직업 자격 제도 ws-2805 시리즈

제 6 부. 인적 자원 관리.

섹션 1. 자격 요건.

6.338.1 자격 요건.

지원자는 TIG (Time-in-grade), 인사 관리 사무국 (OPM)의 승인 및 일반 일정 위치에 대한 OPM의 자격 기준 또는 거래를위한 직무 자격 시스템과 같은 최소 자격 및 자격 요건을 충족해야합니다. 노동직 (Handbook X-118C). 이 섹션에는 서비스의 모든 경쟁 및 비경쟁 활동에 대한 적절한 자격 기준을 결정하기위한 보충 정보 및 지침이 포함되어 있습니다.

TIG를 포함한 자격 요건에 대한 추가 정보는 IRM 6.335.1, Promotion and Internal Placement에서 찾을 수 있습니다.

자격 (일반)

자격 결정은 지식, 기술, 능력 및 기타 특성 (KSAOs) 및 / 또는 일반화되고 전문화 된 경험 요구 사항이 충족되었는지 여부를 결정하기 위해 채워질 위치의 역량과 관련하여 신청자의 경험을 평가하여 이루어져야합니다. OPM의 일반 일정 위치에 대한 자격 기준에 따라 :

일반화 된 경험은 일반적으로 특정 직책의 의무를 수행하는 데 필요한 지식과 기술이 전제 조건이 아니지만 지원자가 특정 지식과 기술을 습득 할 수있는 능력을 입증 했어야하는 학년 수준에서 필요합니다. 과.

전문화 된 경험은 다음과 같이 정의됩니다. "신청자에게 특정 지식, 기술, 능력 및 기타 특성 (KSAOs)을 성공적으로 수행 한 경험이 있으며 일반적으로 해당 직책의 업무에 있거나 관련이있는 경험 채우는." 전문화 된 경험이 요구 될 때, 신청자는 채워질 순위의 다음 하위 학년에 해당하는 1 년의 경험을 소유해야합니다.

경우에 따라 전문적인 경험이 채워질 직위의 다음 하위 등급과 동등한 지 여부를 결정하기 위해 해당 조직 엔티티에서 정상적인 진행 과정을 고려해야합니다. IRM 6.338.1.14를 참조하십시오.

응시자는 5 CFR Part 410에 따라 개발 된 교육 계약의 특정 조항에 따라 자격 요건을 충족시킬 수도 있습니다. 적절하게 승인 된 교육 계약을 통해 정상적인 자격의 일정 부분에 대한 집중적 인 가속 교육의 성공적인 완료를 대체 할 수 있습니다 요구 사항. 이러한 요구 사항과 관련된 문서는 프로모션 기록에서 관리해야합니다.

자격 자원.

신청자 경험을 분석하여 해당 직위에 필요한 수준, 깊이 및 범위인지 판단하는 인사 (HR) 전문가에게 리소스를 제공합니다.

위치 설명 : 위치 설명에는 다음이 포함됩니다.

소개 : 위치에 대한 개요 및 간략한 설명을 제공합니다.

의무 : 직책의 재직자가 수행 할 것으로 예상되는 활동을 설명합니다. 과.

요인 수준 : 요인 1-9 및 관련 요인 수준 정의는 각 학년 수준에 필요한 경험 수준을 나타내는 요인 평가 시스템 (Factor Evaluation System, FES)에서 파생됩니다. 요인 2 - 감독 통제; 요인 3 - 지침; 요인 4 - 복잡성; 요인 5 - 범위와 효력; 요인 6 - 개인 연락처; 요인 7 - 연락처의 목적; 요인 8 - 신체 수요; 요인 9 - 작업 환경.

OPM 웹 사이트 opm. gov/fedclass/clashnbk. pdf에 위치한 Classifier 's Handbook은 9 가지 FES 요인 각각을 정의하는 1 차 표준을 포함합니다. 각 요인 내의 수준; 그리고 각 학년 수준에 적절한 점수 값.

OPM 웹 사이트 opm. gov/fedclass/gsintro. pdf에있는 직위 분류 표준 소개는 일반 일정 (GS) 작업의 분류 표준에 관한 배경 정보 및 지침을 제공합니다. 분류 기준을 사용하는 방법을 이해하는 기본 사항을 설명합니다. 분류 될 작업; 직업 시리즈를 결정하는 프로세스; 그리고 위치 기술의 발달.

위치 분류 표준은 OPM의 웹 사이트에 있습니다. opm. gov/fedclass/html/gsclass. asp 각 특정 시리즈 및 등급에 필요한 각 요소 및 레벨을 정의하십시오. 이 문서는 HR 전문가가 신청자의 학년 수준 평가와 관련하여 판단을 적용 할 수있는 명확한 사례와 기초를 제공합니다. 이것은 신청자의 실제 업무 경험과 교육을 평가할 때 신뢰할 수있는 정보원입니다.

OPM 웹 사이트 (opm. gov/qualifications/index. asp)에있는 일반 일정표를위한 자격 기준 핸드북은 연방 정부의 GS 직책을 위해 OPM에서 정한 최소 자격 기준을 포함합니다. 지원자가 채워지는 직무에 대한 최소 요구 사항을 충족하는지 여부를 결정해야하는 HR 전문가에게 주로 전달됩니다. 이 핸드북은 세부 사항, 신용 군 경험, 비례 배분 경험 등에 시간을 채우는 방법과 같은 자격에 관한 다양한 정보를 제공합니다. 다양한 요소가 최소 자격 요건 (예 : 불완전한 신청, 관련 정보 미납 날짜, 시간 급여 요건 등에 의해 접수되지 않음). 주제 전문가 (SME)의 사용 및 OPM의 일반 일정 위치에 대한 자격 기준, 단락 (d), 신용 경험에 대한 운영 매뉴얼의 "일반 정책 및 지침"섹션에있는 지침은 신뢰할 수있는 정보원입니다. 지원자의 실제 직업 경험과 교육은 취업 알선보다 구직 신청자를 평가할 때 더 신뢰할 수있는 요소입니다.

OPM의 웹 사이트에있는 직업 및 노동직을위한 직업 자격 제도 (지침서 X-118C)는 직업 요소에 대한 세 가지 주요 단계에 대한 지침을 제공하여 직업의 요구 사항을 후보자의 지식, 기술 및 능력과 비교합니다 무역 및 노동 직종에 가장 적합한 자격있는 후보자를 결정하십시오. 이 직종은 FWS (Federal Wage System)에 따라 다루어지며 WG (Wage Grade Employees), WL (Wage Leader Employees) 및 WS (Wage Supervisors)가 포함됩니다.

크레디트 파트 타임 고용.

자격을 결정할 때, 아르바이트는 특정 유형의 고용에 대한 정상 근무 주 비율 (보통 주당 35-40 시간)을 기준으로 계산됩니다. 주당 20 시간의 1 년 경력을 가진 직원에게는 정상 주당 노동 시간의 50 % (주당 40 시간) 또는 총 6 개월의 경험이 주어집니다.

신용 할 수있는 경험은 일반적으로 추가적인 직근 시간을해야하는 아르바이트 직원의 서비스를 인정하기 위해 예정 시간이 아닌 지불 상태 (초과 근무 제외)로 시간을 기준으로 결정되어야합니다. 자세한 정보 및 자세한 지침은 일반 일정 위치, 정책 및 지침에 대한 OPM의 자격 기준을 참조하십시오.

승진 및 재배정을위한 유급 휴가 (LWOP) 및 무보수 신분 확인.

자격 기준을 적용하는 것은 개인의 경력 기간을 평가하는 것 이상을 의미합니다. 내부 및 외부 배치 작업은 개인이 작업을 수행하는 데 필요한 지식, 기술 및 능력을 보유하고 있는지 여부에 따라 평가해야합니다.

자격 결정은 모든 유효하고 적절한 경험을 고려한 개인의 전체 배경을 기반으로해야합니다. 따라서 승인 된 휴가 (무급 휴가 (LWOP)를 포함하여 휴가)에서의 의무에서 벗어난 제한된 기간을 고려하지 않고 일자리에 소비 된 모든 기간을 적립해야합니다.

LWOP 30 일 (달력 일)은 회의 경험 요건에 따라 적립 될 수 있습니다. 계절 고용과 같은 비 임금 상태의 기간은 LWOP로 취급됩니다.

파트 타임 또는 풀 타임 직원을위한 LWOP의 최대 30 일 (달력 일)은 승격 또는 재배정을위한 회의 경험 요구 사항으로 인정 될 수 있습니다 (단, 직원이 직업을 수행하는 데 필요한 지식, 기술 및 능력을 갖추고 있어야합니다.

비 급여 자격은 각 학년 (승진 기간) 내에 최대 30 일 (달력 일) 동안 인정 될 수 있습니다.

크레딧은 최대 30 일 (달력 일)까지 비 임금 상태에 놓이기 전에 근로자의 근무 기간에 근거하여 비례 배분됩니다.

예 : 근무하지 않은 상태로 근무하기 전에 주당 40 시간 근무하는 직원은 30 일간의 크레딧을받습니다. 비 임금 상태 이전에 일주일에 20 시간 근무하는 직원은 15 일간의 크레딧을 받게됩니다.

간헐적 인 직원에게는 지정된 근무 시간이 없습니다. 그러므로, 지불하지 않는 상태에 대한 크레딧은 주어지지 않습니다;

이 지침은 이전 학생 경력 프로그램 (SCEP) 직원이었던 직원의 판촉에도 적용됩니다.

예 : 경력 기간으로 전환하기 전에 GS-5 레벨에 비 임금 상태로 개입 한 전직 직원은 GS-7 레벨의 2 단계로 분류 된 순위에 대해 30 일의 일정을 정할 수 있습니다.

휴먼 캐피탈 오피스 (HCO), 고용, 재능 및 보안 부서 (ETS)에 서비스를 제공하지만, 고용 사무소 (EO)는 경험을 인정할 수있는 최종 권한을 가지지 만, 비정상적인 상황은 사안별로 검토해야하며, 감독자. 그러한 상황의 예는 수행되는 것으로 청구 된 의무의 확인을 위해 감독자에게 연락하는 것이지만 기록 된 문서에 반영되지는 않습니다.

30 일을 초과하는 LWOP 기간은 개인의 자격이 사안별로 신중하게 검토되는 한 신용 될 수 있습니다. 장기간의 LWOP 후에 개인이 필요한 자격을 소유하는 경우는 거의 없을 것으로 예상됩니다. 과.

보상 가능한 상해 또는 제복을 입은 서비스로 인해 결근하는 직원에게는 LWOP 기간 동안 신용을 구매하는 것이 적용되지 않습니다. 이 개인은 일반적으로 그 사람이 떠나지 않은 것처럼 취급받을 권리가 있습니다.

1 학년 및 2 학년 간격 작업.

지위의 위치는 일반적으로 1 등급 간격 작업을 다루는 범주와 2 등급 간격 작업을 다루는 범주로 나뉩니다.

1 등급 간격 작업은 GS-01, 02, 03, 04, 05 등 1 단계 단위로 증가하는 학년 수준 패턴을가집니다. 1 등급 간격 직업의 일반적인 학년 범위는 GS - 08, 일부 직업의 직업은 고학년 일 수 있습니다.

2 단계 간격 작업은 GS-11 수준, 즉 GS-05, 07, 09, 11까지의 2 단계 간격 패턴을 따릅니다. GS-11부터 GS-15까지는 1 등급 간격을 따릅니다. 패턴 (비록 상기 위치는 본래 2 등급 간격으로 고려된다). GS-09와 GS-11은 대부분의 2 단계 인터뷰 IRS 직종에 대한 첫 번째 전체 성과 수준을 나타내지 만 다른 직종에서는 유사점이 존재합니다. GS-06, 08, 10 학년의 학년은 2 학년 기간에 금지되지 않습니다. 그러나 그러한 성적은 드문 경우이며, 일반적으로 그러한 업무에 대한 정상적인 성적 패턴을 유지하지 못합니다.

2 학년 간 직급으로 승진 / 재배치 할 목적으로 한 학년 간 직위의 전문 경험을 평가할 때, 배정 된 직무 및 책임을 기준으로 경험 수준을 구별하고 다음 직급과 비교 가능한지 여부를 결정하는 것이 중요합니다 채워지는 2 학년 직급의 학년. 1 학년과 2 학년 간 업무를 구별하기 위해서는 업무의 특성과 요구 사항뿐만 아니라 경영진의 직위 확립에 대한 의도도 고려해야합니다. 이와 관련하여 두 가지 중요한 질문을해야합니다.

경영진이 2 학년 간격 직책을 지원하고 보강하기 위해 설립 한 직위입니까? 또는.

폭 넓은 프로그램 지식, 개념 및 원칙을 적용해야하는 점진적으로 어려운 과제를 바탕으로 2 단계의 학급 간 격차로 더 높은 수준으로 명확하게 발전하는 발달 적 지위입니까?

기술 및 사무 업무와 전문 및 행정 업무 차별화.

일반 일정 위치는 일반적으로 PATCO (Professional, Administrative, Technical, Clerical 및 Other)로 불리는 5 가지 "범주"로 분류됩니다. PATCO 지정은 일반 일정에 따라 분류 가능한 작업의 일반적인 특성을 설명하고 특정 직업에 대한 일반적인 학년 수준 패턴을 반영합니다. 위치의 PATCO 지정을 확인하면 1 등급에서 2 등급으로 전환 할 때 신청자의 경험을 평가하는 데 도움이됩니다.

전문가 : 직업 (즉, 2 학년 간격) 시리즈로 분류 된 작업은 직업의 원칙, 개념 및 이론에 대한 교육 및 훈련이 필요합니다. 변호사, 엔지니어, 수학자, 통계 분석가, 운영 조사 분석가, 보험 계리사, 교육자 및 수익원은 "전문직"직종의 예입니다.

행정 : "행정"(즉, 2 학년 간격) 시리즈로 분류 된 작업은 분석 능력, 판단 및 재량의 행사와 관련된 원칙, 개념 및 관행에 대한 실질적인 지식 체계의 적용을 포함합니다. 더 많은 관리 또는 관리 분야. 다음은 HR 전문가, 예산 분석가, 지원 서비스 전문가, 경영 / 프로그램 분석가, 보안 분석가, 평등 고용 기회 전문가 (EEO), 행정 임원, 세무 전문가, 보조원 전문가, 항소 담당자, 공무원 등의 "행정"직종의 사례입니다. 전문가, 언어 전문가, 부동산 전문가, 감정인 및 수익원이 포함됩니다.

기술 업무 : "기술"(즉, 1 학년 간격) 시리즈로 분류되는 것은 일반적으로 전문가 또는 행정 분야 또는 직업과 관련이 있으며 지원합니다. 다음은 HR 기술자, 세무 조사 기술자, 회계 기술자, 보안 보조원, 컴퓨터 보조원, 관리 보조원, EEO 보조원, 예산 기술자, 민간 지불 기술자, 편집 보조원, 구매 에이전트, 공급 기술자 및 연락 담당자의 예입니다. 대리인.

서기 : '서기'(즉, 1 학년 기 간) 시리즈로 분류 된 작업에는 사무실, 비즈니스 또는 재정 운영을 지원하는 구조화 된 작업이 포함됩니다. 사무 업무는 확립 된 정책, 절차 또는 기술에 따라 수행됩니다. 수행 할 작업과 관련된 교육, 경험 또는 작업 지식이 필요합니다. 다음은 "사무직"직종의 예입니다 : 비서, 사무 자동화 사무원, 데이터 필기자, 우편 서기, 파일 서기 및 일반 사무원.

기타 업무 :이 범주에는 위의 그룹 중 하나에 분명하게 맞지 않는 일반 일정의 직무가 포함됩니다. 시리즈 정의 또는 분류 표준은 시리즈가 1 또는 2 등급 간격인지 여부를 표시해야합니다.

같은 학년에서 2 학년 간격으로 일하는 전체 실무 레벨에서 한 학년 간격 작업 평가.

1 등급 간격 직업으로 분류 된 직위와 2 등급 간격 직급으로 분류 된 직위 간의 차이는 항상 명확하지 않습니다. 일부 과제는 두 가지 유형의 직업에 공통적인데, 특히 1 학년 간격 연구의 고급 수준과 2 학년 간격 연구의 낮은 발달 수준. 일부 1 학년 간격 임무가 2 학년 간격 "훈련생"과 유사 할 수도 있지만, 이 훈련생은 일정 기간 동안 점점 더 많은 판단과 분석이 필요한 과제를 수행하는 개발 단계에 있습니다. 1 학년 간격 업무는 2 학년 간격 업무로 진행하도록 설계되지 않았습니다. 그들은 2 학년 간격 위치의 작업을 지원하도록 고안되었습니다.

예를 들어, 다음은 2 학년 간격의 "발달"학습과 1 학년 학습을 "전체 수행 수준"으로 비교 한 두 세트의 예로서 두 학년 모두 동일한 학년 수준입니다. 인용 된 사례는 인적 자원 관리 그룹의 GS-200 관리 및 지원 업무 및 GS-500 전문 / 관리 및 사무 / 기술 회계 및 예산 업무 그룹과 관련이 있습니다.

예 1 : GS-201-07 HR 전문가 (분류 - GS-11 전체 성능 수준으로 개발) 및 GS-203-07 HR 도우미 (분류 - 전체 성능 수준). 전문 직위는 분석 / 평가 기법을 사용하는 것 외에도 더 높은 수준의 기술 프로그램 지식, 즉 직위 분류의 원칙 및 관행을 요구합니다. 보조 직위는 더 제한된 기술 프로그램 지식, 즉 규칙, 절차, 위치 분류 방법을 설정해야합니다. 전문가 직책은 요구되는 높은 수준의 프로그램 지식과 높은 수준의 업무 수행 (예 : 광범위한 직무에 대한 데스크 감사 실시, 조직 변경 사항 검토 / 조언, 기술 지원 등)에 따라 광범위한 기술 작업 할당을 수행합니다 관리직에 대한 권고 등을 포함한다. 보조 직위는 전문가를 지원하는 데있어 제한적이고 구체적인 업무를 수행하며, 예를 들어 책상 감사 준비, 저급 직급 분류, 일반 프로그램 응답 질문 등

예 2 : GS-560-07 예산 분석가 (GS-11 전체 성능 수준으로 개발) 및 GS-561-07 예산 기술자 (전체 성능 수준). 분석가 직책은 예산 수립 / 실행을위한 금융 규제, 방법 및 프로세스에 대한 기술적 지식을 필요로하는 반면, 기술자 직책은 재정 관리 실무, 절차 및 규정과 관련하여 덜 포괄적 인 지식을 필요로합니다. 분석가 직책은 재무 데이터 수집 / 분석, 광고 항목 의무와 관련된 지출 모니터링, 예산 지출을위한 대안 조치 과정 추천 등 예산을 공식화하는 것과 관련된 기술 작업을 수행합니다. 기술자 직책은 예산 개발을 지원하는 데 제한된 임무를 수행합니다. 다양한 금융 데이터 수집 및 통합, 의무 자금에 대한 청구 확인, 보고서 수신 / 배포, 파일 유지 관리 등

승급을위한 전체 실무 레벨에서 1 등급 인터벌 작업을 2 단계 인터벌 위치로 평가.

일반적으로 1 학년 간부 / 기술자 직위를 차지하거나 비슷한 경험을 가진 지원자가 유사하거나 관련된 2 학년 간 전문가 / 분석가 위치로 경쟁적으로 승격되는 것은 드뭅니다. 1 년의 전문화 된 경험이 필요하며, 보통 GS-203-07 HR Assistant에서 GS-201-07 HR 전문가에 이르기까지 신청자의 현재 학년 수준에서 세부 사항이나 경쟁적 재배치를 통해 얻습니다. 그러나, 1 학년 간격 보조 / 기술자 경력 경험이 유사한 2 학년 간격 전문가 / 분석가 직책으로 승격 할 수있는 상황이있을 수 있습니다. 일반 일정 위치 (일반 정책 및 지침)에 대한 OPM의 자격 기준에는 "기술자, 준 전문직 및 실질적인 사무 지원 (즉, 1 학년 간격) 경험은 2 학년 간격 직책 자격이 될 수 있습니다 ... 경험이 KSAO의 필수 성공적으로 작업을 수행 할 수 있습니다. "

각 상황을 신중하게 검토하여 신청자가 KSAO를 2 단계로 승진 시킬지 여부를 결정하는 것이 중요합니다.

전문 기술자의 경험이 2 단계 간극, GS-07 레벨 이상에 대한 전문화 된 경험 요구 사항에 적용될 때마다 서비스 HCO, ETS, EO의 고위 HR 전문가가 결정 문서에 서명하고 날짜를 기입하여 결정을 승인해야합니다.

1 학기 간격 기술자를 2 학년 간격 위치 인 GS-07 이상으로 일시적으로 승격 시키라는 요구가 접수되면 HR 전문가는 자격 확인을 위해 경영진에게 문서화를 요청합니다. 검토 후, HR 전문가가 신용을 부여해야한다고 생각하면 HCO, ETS, EO 서비스 HR 담당 고위 HR 전문가가 결정 문서에 서명하고 날짜를 기입하여 결정을 승인해야합니다.

신용 할 수 있도록이 경험은 관리자의 메모, 인사 조치 요청서 (PAR) 및 / 또는 기타 서면 문서를 통해 문서화되어야합니다.

특수한 경험을 구성하는 것을 결정할 때, 작업 수행에 필요한 KSAO뿐만 아니라 직책의 의무 / 책임에 대한 설명을 얻기 위해 채워질 위치의 위치 설명을주의 깊게 검토해야합니다. 위치 기술에 정의 된 KSAO에는 위치 분류 표준에 위치 할 수있는 요인 수준 정의가 지정됩니다. 이 요인 수준은 1 학년 간격과 2 학년 간격 위치 모두에 필요한 기술 수준을 결정하는 방법으로 사용할 수 있습니다. 이 정보는 신청자의 배경 경험 및 지식과 비교되어 2 학년 간 직위에 필요한 KSAO와 신청자의 배경 및 경험간에 어느 정도의 비교 가능성이 있는지를 결정해야합니다. 다음 예는 GS-07 HR 보조 (채용 및 배치) 및 GS-09 HR 전문가 (채용 및 배치)의 직무 / 책임 및 KSAO를 구별하는 데 도움을주기위한 것입니다.

예 : GS-201-09 HR 전문가 (GS-11 수준으로 개발) 및 GS-203-7 (최대 성능 수준). GS-203-07 어시스턴트는 학년 09 레벨에서 GS-201 전문가 직책을 수행하는 데 필요한 동일한 KSAO를 충족하는 업무 수행을 통해 경험을 쌓아야합니다. 이 경험은 주로 GS-201-07 레벨 직위에 대한 세부 사항 및 / 또는 경쟁적 재배정을 통해 얻을 수 있습니다. 또한, 자격 기준은 채워지는 위치의 정상적인 진행 행에서 다음으로 낮은 학년 수준에 해당하는 1 년의 전문 경험이 필요합니다. 따라서 GS-203-07 보조원은 GS-201-07 전문가 수준과 비교하여 적어도 1 년 동안 성공적으로 업무를 수행해야합니다. 이에 따라 GS-203-07 신청자는 최소한의 감독 지침과 지침에 따라 GS-201-09 전문가 직책에 부여 된 임무와 책임을 맡을 수 있습니다. 승진에 ​​대한 보상을 받기 위해서는 지원자의 배경과 경험에 따라 점진적으로 어려운 과제가 있다는 증거가 필요하며, 필요한 KSAO의 소유를 명확히 증명하는 HR 관련 지식, 개념 및 원칙의 폭 넓은 적용이 필요합니다. 이 경험은 관리자, PAR 및 / 또는 기타 문서로 작성된 각서를 통해 문서화되어야합니다.

GS-201 HR 전문가와 GS-203 HR 도우미가 수행하는 업무에서 평가자가 약간의 유사점을 지키지 만, 일반적으로 GS-203 HR 도우미는 제한된 다양한 표준과 규정을 사용하지만, 대다수의 팀원은 대다수의 프로젝트 / 과제를 지원 / 지원합니다. 전문가 및 그들이 처리하는 문제는 대개 반복적 인 성격을 띠고 있으며 이미 전례가 있습니다. 따라서 이러한 제한은 필요한 지식의 폭과 깊이, 문제 해결의 복잡성, 사용 된 판단 및 재량의 정도, 지침의 적용 가능성 및 감독 통제의 친밀성에 영향을 미칩니다.

W & amp; I 지역의 GS-343-12 관리 및 프로그램 분석가 직무 자격 PD # 93042

(1)이 섹션에서는 경영 및 프로그램 분석가를위한 최소 자격 요건을 결정하기위한 HCO, ETS, EO에 대한 지침과 임금 및 임금 수준에서의 직위 설명 93042와 관련된 GS-343-12 직위를 제공합니다. 투자 (W & amp; I) 부문. 이 직책은 할당 된 프로그램 운영의 효율성과 효율성에 대한 분석가, 평가자 및 고문 역할을합니다. 현직자는 실질적인 문제를 해결하거나 운영 라인 및 행정 프로그램의 효율성과 효율성을 개선하기위한 분석 연구 및 / 또는 프로젝트를 수행합니다.

W & amp; I 및 Human Capital Office (HCO)의 전문가들로 구성된 SME 패널은 GS-343 경영 분석가 직책에 최소 자격을 부여하는 전문 경험의 사례를 개발했습니다.

지원자는 GS-11 레벨에 해당하는 1 년의 전문 경험이 있어야합니다. 전문화 된 경험은이 직업과 관련된 경험이며, 후보자가 직무의 의무를 성공적으로 수행 할 수있는 특정 지식, 기술 및 능력을 갖추고 있으며, 일반적으로 채워질 직책의 의무 및 책임과 관련이 있습니다. 이 직책에는 분석 기술 및 평가 기준을 프로그램 효과 및 / 또는 조직 생산성의 측정 및 개선에 적용하는 데 지식과 기술이 필요합니다. 자격을 갖춘 경험으로는 다음과 관련된 작업이 포함됩니다 (이에 국한되지는 않음).

Planning & amp; 평가 : 다양한 유형의 인벤토리 / 작업 부하 보고서를 분석하여 프로그램 목표 달성을위한 작업의 우선 순위를 지정하고 작업 일정을 수립합니다 (예 : 작업량 분석을 통해 생산 간격 측정 및 겹침을 결정 및 계획). 프로세스의 지연, 품질 / 수량 또는 효율성 / 효율성에 영향을 미치는 기타 문제의 차이를 확인하고 개선을위한 수정 / 권장 사항을 확인하기 위해 워크 플로를 분석합니다. 기술 훈련을 계획, 개발 및 제공합니다 (예 : 교육 요구 분석, 교육 요구 충족 계획 수립 및 해당 교육 계획의 실제 실행).

문제 해결 : 비즈니스 측정을 분석하고 기존 표준과 비교 (예 : 보고서를 사용하여 정보를 수집하고 운영 / 프로그램 또는 프로그램에 영향을 미치는 독특하거나 전례가 없거나 비정상적인 문제를 식별). 프로젝트 또는 프로그램을 달성하기위한 자원 요구 사항에 대한 권고 사항 (예 : 개선을위한 변경 및 / 또는 효율성 향상을위한 자동화 된 시스템의 구현). 의사 결정을 용이하게하기 위해 데이터를 관리, 추적 및보고하기위한 스프레드 시트 제작 (예 : 보고서, 품질 검토 시스템 등에서 수집 한 관련 데이터를 편집, 조작 및 분석하여 추세, 표준 편차 등을 파악하고 개량). 시스템을 모니터링하여 문제를 식별하고 변경 사항을 확인하는 것이 올바르게 기능합니다 (예 : 새로운 세법에 따라 시스템 기능이 향상되거나 변경됨). 조직 구조, 직원 배치, 관리 절차, 업무 프로세스 및 / 또는 배포 문제를 파악, 분석 및 권유하기위한 업무 프로세스 연구 수행. 한 번의 작업 내에서 새 프로그램이나 수정 된 프로그램을 개발 및 배포하기 위해 관리 및 프로그램 분석을 사용한 팀에서 작업. 최선의 행동 방침을 결정하기 위해 비용 편익 분석, 위험 분석 또는 기타 기술을 수행합니다.

글쓰기 : 본사에서 승인 한 구직 보조 자료 및 광범위한 청중을위한 교육 자료와 같은 서면 정보 작성. 다음 경영층 또는 그 이상의 수준으로 권고 사항이나 결과를 제공하기 위해 서면 문서를 작성합니다. 법률, 규칙, 규정 및 품질 표준에 대한 직원의 성과 일치를 평가하고 직원 평가의 기초를 형성하는 실질적인 업무 검토를 작성합니다.

영향력 / 협상 : 다른 사람들이 권고안을 받아들이거나, 협력하거나, 행동을 바꾸도록 설득합니다. 합의를 향해 다른 사람들과 일하기; 상호 수용 가능한 해결책을 찾기 위해 협상합니다. 다양한 작업 영역 간의 협상을 협상하고 프로젝트, 프로세스 또는 프로그램이 직원 및 관리자와 미치는 영향을 조정합니다. 센터 내의 프로세스 변화에 영향을 미치거나 IRM 변경을 권고합니다.

선택적 게재 위치 요소.

직업 배치에 대한 선택적 배치 요소 또는 적절한 위치 선정이 이루어지면 (예 : 외국어에 대한 지식) 개별 직위에 대해 배치 할 수 있습니다.

선택적 배치 요소는 최소 자격 기준을 초과하는 KSAO이지만 기본적인 자격 요건을 충족시키기 위해 필요에 따라 처방됩니다. 이러한 요소는 채워질 위치에서 성공적인 수행을 위해 필수적이며 승진 후 (일반적으로 3 개월에서 6 개월 이내에) 달성 될 수 없으며 최소 자격 요건과 동일한 방식으로 적용됩니다. 선택적인 배치 요소는 그들이 바람직한 것이기 때문에가 아니라 위치의 적절한 채우기에 중요 할 때만 사용해야합니다. 선택적 배치 요소는 위치 기술, 중요한 직무 요소 및 / 또는 기타 직무 관련 프로세스에 포함 된 한국 표준 협회에 의해 문서화되고 정당화되어야한다.

선택적 배치 요소는 홍보 활동 중 언제든지 변경 될 수 없으며, 한 번 설정되면 일반적으로 위치의 직무 / 책임이 변경되지 않는 한 동일한 유형의 위치에 대해 일관성을 유지해야합니다. 선택적 배치 요소가 사용될 때, 그 사용에 대한 타당성이 판촉 기록에 유지되어야한다. 적절한 선택적 배치 요소의 예는 다음과 같습니다.

외국어에 대한 지식 (위치 기술에 반영된 경우);

승진 후 (특히 3 개월에서 6 개월 이내) 특정 프로그램이나 임무에 관한 지식과 능력; 과.

기능 영역에서의 능력 (예를 들어, 대체 ADP 시스템을 평가할 수있는 능력).

부적절한 선택 게재 위치 요소의 예는 다음과 같습니다.

추가적인 일반 또는 전문화 된 경험;

채워질 위치의 등급과 유형에 부적합한 경험의 질;

추가적인 공식 교육 요구 사항;

단기간의 훈련 및 조정의 필요성을 없애기 위해 고안된 요건 (기간이 부당하게 서비스 운영에 부담이 될 정도로 길지 않는 한).

유자격 후보자의 수를 과도하게 제한하거나 특정 후보자를 선호하는 요건. 과.

가능한 미래 임무에 근거한 것과 같이 즉각적인 공석의 의무에 필수적이지 않은 요구 사항 (직업 상 승급 가능성이 알려진 승격 가능성이있는 위치 제외).

공무원을 선정하고 HCO, ETS, EO를 서비스하는 것은 선택적 배치 요소를 확인하는 공동 책임이 있습니다. Servicing HCO, ETS, EOs have the responsibility for maintaining the documentation of the validity and job-relatedness of the selective placement factors (see OPM's Qualification Standards for General Schedule Positions, Section II. General Policies and Instructions). However, the development of the documentation is a joint responsibility between the Business Operating Division (BOD) and the servicing HCO, ETS, EO.

Additional guidance for selective placement factors can be found in OPM's Qualification Standards for General Schedule Positions.

Servicewide Selective Placement Factors for GS-526 Occupational Series.

The Service completed a validation study of the GS-526 occupation that supported the need for accounting knowledge in order to successfully perform the duties of the GS-526 position. As a result, at the Service’s request, OPM revised the classification standard to reflect this accounting knowledge requirement. The Service established a Servicewide selective placement factor to assess a candidate’s accounting knowledge as required by the revised classification standard. The selective placement factor is part of the minimum qualification requirements and candidates who do not meet it are ineligible for further consideration.

The selective placement factor requires that candidates provide evidence of accounting knowledge/competency at a level that is equivalent to 6 semester hours of accounting for GS-9 level and below positions and 12 semester hours for positions above the GS-9 level. The accounting selective placement factor can be met in one of 2 ways:

Successfully completing the requisite number of accounting hours in an accredited college or university; 또는.

Successfully passing a written IRS accounting assessment.

If applicants choose to demonstrate the accounting competency through completion of college credits, the following guidance applies:

The 6 semester hour requirement for the GS-9 level and below positions may be met by:

College Accounting Courses: Normally, college elementary accounting courses require 6 semester hours (or 9 quarter hours) of study; this is considered to be the basic requirement; 또는.

Business or Commercial School Courses: Accounting or bookkeeping courses in resident business or commercial schools above the high school level which have provided a good working knowledge of the principles and practices of double entry bookkeeping for the proprietorship, partnership, and the corporation may be credited on the basis that 18 clock hours of study is the equivalent of one semester hour.

The 12 semester hour requirement for positions above the GS-09 level may be met by:

An additional 6 semester hours (or 9 quarter hours) in intermediate accounting for a total of 12 hours of accounting for positions above the GS-9 level. The designation of specific college course titles is not feasible; however, the course work should represent 6 semester hours (or 9 quarter hours) of accounting courses for which elementary accounting serves as a prerequisite.

This selective placement factor is applicable to all GS-526 positions Servicewide. All candidates for GS-526 positions, whether selected competitively (i. e. under merit promotion procedures) or non-competitively (i. e. reinstatement eligibles, hardship candidates, etc.), must meet this selective placement factor.

Basic eligibility for GS-526 positions Servicewide will be determined using OPM’s Qualification Standards for General Schedule Positions, GS-526 Tax Technician series, in conjunction with the Group Coverage Qualification Standard for Administrative and Management Positions as well as the accounting selective placement factor.

Servicewide Selective Placement Factors for GS-512 Occupational Series.

The Service completed a validation study of the GS-512 occupation that supported the need for these specific accounting courses in order to successfully perform the duties of the GS-512 position. A Servicewide selective placement factor was established and approved to assess an applicant’s specific accounting knowledge for GS-512 Internal Revenue Agent positions. The selective placement factor is part of the minimum qualification requirements; applicants who do not meet the selective placement factor are ineligible for further consideration.

The qualification standard for GS-512 positions requires 30 semester hours of accounting which can be met by having 24 semester hours in accounting and 6 semester hours in related subjects such as business law, economics, statistical/quantitative methods, computerized accounting or financial systems, financial management or finance.

In addition to the above requirements, applicants must also meet the selective placement factor which requires that, as part of the 30 semester hours of accounting required by the GS-512 qualification standard, the applicant possess five accounting knowledges:

Principles of accounting;

Advanced accounting and;

The applicant’s education and/or experience must support possession of the knowledge, skills and other abilities associated with these specific accounting course competencies.

Possession of an accounting degree, or the pre-requisite 24 semester hours in accounting, or a certificate as a Certified Public Accountant meets the 5 accounting knowledges.

For applicants qualifying based on the combination of education and experience, HCO, ETS, EOs must verify that the applicant’s education and experience provide evidence that they possess the 5 accounting knowledges.

Vacancy announcements for both internal and external consideration should include this selective placement factor information as part of the basic qualification requirements.

Superior Academic Achievement (SAA)

OPM's Qualification Standards for General Schedule Positions states that, "In order to be creditable under this Superior Academic Achievement (SAA) provision, SAA must have been gained in a curriculum that is qualifying for the position to be filled." Meeting the requirements for one or more of the SAA provisions will qualify an applicant for positions at the GS-7 level. Failure to meet the SAA provisions will qualify an applicant with 4 years of appropriate college study for positions at the GS-5 level.

Unless an occupational series has an individual occupational requirement (IOR), as defined by OPM's Qualification Standards for General Schedule Positions, SAA is creditable in any degree and can be met through one of the following methods:

Class standing; 또는.

Grade point average (GPA); 또는.

Election to membership in a national scholastic honor society.

SAA applied to a scientific or professional position having positive education requirements must be in a qualifying curriculum as defined by the IOR for each occupational field. For example, to credit SAA in the Internal Revenue Agent Series (GS-512), the IOR specifies that the undergraduate degree requirements must be met by: (1) degree in accounting, that included at least 30 semester hours in accounting or (2) degree in any field that was supplemented by 24 semester hours of accounting and 6 semester hours in related business subjects such as business law, economics, statistical/quantitative methods, computerized accounting or financial systems, financial management, or finance. Therefore, a degree in nuclear medicine that is not supplemented by 24 semester hours of accounting and 6 semester hours in related business subjects would not qualify for SAA for the Internal Revenue Agent position.

SAA applied to administrative and management positions having an IOR with specific undergraduate curriculum requirements must be in a qualifying curriculum as defined by the IOR. Otherwise, any curriculum is qualifying for SAA. For example, the Recreation Specialist Series (GS-188), which is covered under the qualification standard for administrative and management positions, has an IOR and the major field of study must be in general recreation, or one of the appropriate fields of recreation such as outdoor recreation, etc. Thus, a degree in chemistry would not qualify for SAA for the GS-188 series. The Tax Specialist Series (GS-526), which is also covered under the qualification standard for administrative and management positions, has an IOR, but has no specific undergraduate curriculum requirements. Therefore, any undergraduate degree would qualify for SAA for the Tax Specialist series, provided that the class standing, GPA, or honor society requirements contained in OPM's Qualification Standards for General Schedule Positions have been met.

Pass/Fail System: Reviewers of applications from applicants seeking to meet the SAA provisions must be aware of the limits on the percentage of course work that was completed on a "pass/fail" basis. If more than 10 percent the total credit was based on pass/fail or similar systems, then the applicant may not be able to credit their GPA for SAA. For additional information see OPM's Qualification Standards for General Schedule Positions, General Policies and Instructions.

Rounding: Applicants' GPAs must be rounded off properly. OPM's Qualification Standards for General Schedule Positions states that a GPA of 2.95 must be rounded to 3.0, while a GPA of 2.94 must be rounded to 2.9. Failure to follow this procedure will lead to improper use of the SAA provisions.

Review of transcripts: The educational record of applicants who have changed majors, attended several different institutions, or taken courses only sporadically should be reviewed closely. Course titles and numbers may help determine level. (Courses entitled "Introduction to. " or with numbers beginning with A or 1 are almost always lower level courses.) Transcripts noting the level of the student, e. g., freshman or junior, when the courses were taken may help also. If the level of an applicant's courses is not clear, the degree to which the courses relate to each other should be considered in determining whether the level of the course work meets the requirements of the position being filled.

Use of SAA: The SAA provision can be applied to either initial appointment or inservice placement actions.

Documentation of Education.

OPM's Qualification Standards for General Schedule Positions provides guidance in substituting education for work experience. The manual states that proof of appropriate documentation for applicable education may be in the form of an official transcript; a statement from the institution’s registrar, dean, or other appropriate official; or equivalent documentation. The Delegated Examining Handbook provides guidance regarding the use of a transcript in documenting education when basic qualifications cannot be determined without it. In order to facilitate consistency with regard to the documentation of education, the Service has determined the following:

Internal and external vacancy announcements must include a statement that indicates whether official transcripts, photocopies of transcripts, or other evidence of qualifying education will be required at the time of application. If official transcripts will be required, servicing HCO, ETS, EOs should ensure that timeframes for submitting documents are specified in the vacancy announcement.

Do not require applicants to submit official documents as part of their application package when copies are sufficient. An unofficial transcript or a list of courses, grades earned, completion dates, and quarter or semester hours earned can be used as a substitute for the official transcript at the time applicants apply for a job opening. Once selected and prior to appointment, applicants can provide official documentation, for example, an official transcript if they qualify on education. This will provide the opportunity to verify the information first in the application.

When qualification decisions for new hires (accessions to IRS) or conversions to new appointments are based wholly or in part on completion of education above high school, servicing HCO, ETS, EOs must obtain official proof of completion before or at entrance on duty.

For qualification decisions for IRS applicants for internal IRS vacancy announcements without a minimum educational requirement, servicing HCO, ETS, EOs will rely on the candidate’s certification on the application form or appropriate application vehicle for selectees.

For qualification decisions for IRS applicants for internal IRS announcements with a minimum educational requirement, servicing HCO, ETS, EOs will rely on copies of transcripts or other evidence from the college or university for selectees.

For qualification decisions based on foreign education obtained outside of the United States, servicing HCO, ETS, EOs should visit the Department of Education’s website at: ed. gov or go directly to the National Association of Credential Evaluation Services at: naces. org .

Documentation of Education for Positions With a Minimum Education Requirement.

IRS internal applicants: For occupations with a minimum education requirement, the following procedures apply:

IRS applicants may certify completed course work on their application as evidence of a degree from an accredited college or university. An applicant may elect the option of downloading transcripts from college/university websites for submission with the application. Photocopies of transcripts are acceptable. For example, the GS-512 occupation standard requires 30 semester hours of accounting or 24 semester hours in accounting and 6 semester hours in related course work.

Servicing HCO, ETS, EOs must obtain copies of transcripts or other appropriate evidence from selectees to verify that they have the required 30 hours of course work and that the education is from an accredited college or university. See the OPM's Qualification Standards for General Schedule Positions for the definition of accredited college or university at the OPM website at: opm. gov/qualifications/index. htm or visit the U. S. Department of Education’s website at: ope. ed. gov/accreditation .

If the selectee is qualifying based on Certified Public Accountant (CPA) credentials, he/she must provide a copy of the certificate to the servicing HCO, ETS, EO.

New hires or conversions to new appointments: For occupations with a minimum educational requirement, the following procedures apply:

When a candidate applies for a position with a minimum education requirement or positive education requirement, the candidate should provide documentation that the applicable education provisions have been met. The candidate may also submit information that outlines educational credentials on an application form, resume, or other appropriate application vehicle. To facilitate verification on the type of degree obtained or course work completed, an applicant may elect to download transcripts from a college or university website for submission with the application. Photocopies of transcripts are acceptable. For example, the GS-512 occupation standard requires 30 semester hours of accounting or 24 semester hours in accounting and 6 semester hours in related course work. The servicing HCO, ETS, EO will need sufficient information that illustrates that the candidate has the required 30 hours of course work.

If the candidate is qualifying based on CPA credentials, the candidate must provide a copy of the certificate to the servicing HCO, ETS, EO.

When a candidate is selected for a position with a minimum education requirement or positive education requirement, the candidate must provide an official college transcript or an original document from the institution’s registrar, dean, or other appropriate official. It must be submitted to the servicing HCO, ETS, EO before or at entrance on duty for verification of the course work , degree, and/or GPA reported on the candidate's application.

The servicing HCO, ETS, EO must verify that the selectee has education from an accredited college or university. See the OPM's Qualification Standards for General Schedule Positions for the definition of accredited college or university at the OPM website at: opm. gov/qualifications or visit the U. S. Department of Education’s website at: ope. ed. gov/accreditation.

Vacancy announcements must include a statement that indicates whether official transcripts, photocopies of transcripts, or other evidence of qualifying education will be required at the time of application. If official transcripts will be required, servicing HCO, ETS, EOs should ensure that timeframes for submitting documents are specified in the vacancy announcement.

Documentation of Education for Occupations Without a Minimum Education Requirement.

IRS internal applicants: For occupations without a minimum educational requirement, the following procedures apply when qualification determinations will be based on a combination of education and experience:

IRS applicants may certify completed course work on their application as evidence of a degree from an accredited college or university. An applicant may elect to submit copies of grade reports or transcript(s) for evidence of appropriate education; however, this is not a requirement.

The servicing HCO, ETS, EO must verify that selectee's education was from an accredited college or university. See the OPM's Qualification Standards for General Schedule Positions for the definition of accredited college or university at the OPM website at: opm. gov/qualifications/index. htm or visit the U. S. Department of Education’s website at: ope. ed. gov/accreditation .

New hires or conversions to new appointments: For occupations without a minimum educational requirement, the following procedures apply when qualification determinations will be based on a combination of education and experience:

Candidates who apply for a position without a minimum education requirement should provide documentation that the applicable education provisions have been met when combined with experience. The candidate may submit information that outlines educational credentials on an application form, resume, or other appropriate application vehicle. To facilitate verification on the type of degree obtained or course work completed, a candidate may elect the option of downloading transcripts from a college or university website for submission with the application or submit a photocopy of a transcript(s).

When an candidate is selected for a position without a minimum education requirement or positive education requirement, the candidate must provide an official college transcript or an original document from the institution’s registrar, dean, or other appropriate official. It must be submitted to the servicing HCO, ETS, EO before or at entrance on duty for verification of the course work, degree, and/or GPA reported on the candidate's application.

The servicing HCO, ETS, EO must verify that the selectee's education was from an accredited college or university. See the OPM's Qualification Standards for General Schedule Positions for the definition of accredited college or university at the OPM website at: opm. gov/qualifications/index. htm or visit the U. S. Department of Education’s website at: ope. ed. gov/accreditation .

Vacancy announcements must include a statement that indicates whether official transcripts, photocopies of transcripts, or other evidence of qualifying education will be required at the time of application. If official transcripts will be required, servicing HCO, ETS, EOs should ensure that timeframes for submitting documents are specified in the vacancy announcement.

Diploma Mills.

Federal agencies are required to establish procedures to prevent fraud and abuse with regard to education obtained through bogus educational institutions known as diploma mills.

When reviewing applications that illustrate education, there should be evidence of progression toward advanced degrees—for example, Bachelor, Masters, Juris Doctor (JD), or Doctorate with a period of time for each degree to be obtained. Generally, there will be evidence of approximately four years or more for an undergraduate degree, and an additional two years or more for a graduate degree, and so on. Inconsistencies from the norm may indicate education fraud. Some applicants have dual majors—this is not to imply that these applicants have bogus degrees. The list below shows some inconsistencies that may be encountered when reviewing applications and would require additional research:

High school diploma or General Education Development (GED) not noted, but application shows advance degrees;

Undergraduate degree not noted, but application shows graduate or doctorate degrees;

Graduate or doctorate received before the lower degree;

One or more degrees received in a short period of time;

Multiple degrees received in the same year;

Same or similar name to legitimate school, but located in a different state; 과.

Application shows full-time employment during period of college attendance, particularly if employment and college were in different locations.

The following red flags may signal a bogus educational institution:

Not accredited by a legitimate accrediting institution recognized by the U. S. Department of Education;

Has mail-receiving address, but no physical location of school;

Instead of saying that the school is accredited, the institution uses words like pursuing accreditation, licensed, authorized, (state) approved, recognized, chartered;

Few, if any, full-time staff;

Faculty not listed in catalog;

Preoccupation with degree-identification (long list of degrees follow the names of officials);

Little or no selectivity in admission policy;

Offers "finder’s fee" for new students;

Offers discounts for students who pay in cash;

Tuition and fees are typically on a per-degree basis rather than a per semester, per quarter, or per course basis;

Few, if any, or unspecified, degree requirements;

Offers backdated degrees;

Pictures of the degree, transcript, school ring, and/or accreditation appear in catalog or on website;

Degrees can be obtained in a short time frame, sometimes as little as 7-10 days; 과.

Emphasis placed on credit for work experience and prior life experience.

To see a list of recently reported diploma mills, visit the State of Oregon’s website at: osac. state. or. us/oda/unaccredited. html . Additional information on diploma mills can be found at chea. org/ and at the Department of Education at: ed. gov/students/prep/college/diplomamills/diploma-mills. html .

When verifying the legitimacy of the degree, it is important to rely on reputable sources. Accrediting institutions can be as bogus as the schools they claim to accredit, so both the school and the accreditation may need to be verified. OPM’s OPM's Qualification Standards for General Schedule Positions lists a number of publications under References and Sources, including the Directory of Postsecondary Institutions-- a publication of the U. S. Department of Education and National Center for Education Statistics, to verify degrees. Additionally, the U. S. Department of Education shows Nationally Recognized Accrediting Agencies on its website at: ed. gov/admins/finaid/accred/index. html . Regional agencies linked to this website are recognized by the U. S. Secretary of Education as reliable authorities concerning the quality of education or training offered by the institutions of higher education or higher education programs they accredit.

There are some colleges that choose not to be accredited. This does not mean that these colleges are diploma mills; however, the education cannot be used to meet minimum qualification requirements for Federal jobs.

Single Agency Qualification Standards for GS-905 Occupational Series.

All qualification standards with the exception of the Attorney Series, GS-905 are now included in OPM’s OPM's Qualification Standards for General Schedule Positions. Section II of the manual contains guidance, general policies and instructions for interpretation of the qualification standards; Section V contains test requirements; and Section VI contains medical requirements.

OPM does not publish qualification standards for attorney positions but allows agencies to set their own qualification requirements. Generally a Bachelor of Laws (LL. B.) or Juris Doctor (J. D.) degree and membership in a state bar are required. The entry-level grade is usually GS-9, but those with experience may qualify for higher grades.

The OPM Classification Standard for General Attorney Series, GS-905 provides the authority for the requirements stated in this IRM. By OPM’s definition, the work of the General Attorney Series, GS-905, requires admission to the bar. Thus, OPM recognizes that admission to the bar is a requirement for the Attorney, GS-905 position. Failure to maintain membership in a state bar provides grounds for removal. See McGean v. National Labor Relations Board, 15 M. S.P. R. 49 (1983) . The IRS has an obligation to ensure attorneys maintain Agency qualification standards for the position. The standard certification requirements described below in IRM 6.338.1.13.1 were developed by a workgroup comprised of representatives from General Legal Services, Embedded Small Business/Self-Employed, and HCO – Workforce Relations, HCO, ETS, Policy and Programs Office, and Classification.

The Service has established minimum qualification standards for GS-905 and GS-904 occupations within the IRS. These standards are located in the following portions of this IRM:

General Attorney, GS-905 qualification requirements are described in IRM 6.338.13.2.

Attorney, Estate and Gift Tax qualification requirements are described in IRM 6.338.1.13.3.

Law Clerk, GS-904 qualification requirements are described in IRM 6.338.1.13.4.

Suitability requirements regarding excepted service appointments can be found in IRM 6.731.1 , Suitability Determinations for Employment .

Bar Membership Certification for All IRS Attorneys.

The qualifications for an Attorney, GS-905 position in the Service require an LL. B or J. D. Degree and "admission to the bar." "Admission to the bar" means any status for which the Attorney is authorized to practice law in at least one State, a territory, the District of Columbia, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, or the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands. In jurisdictions which have dual status options, active and inactive, this normally means an attorney must maintain an active status.

Employees appointed as a Federal Attorney, GS-905, must maintain the level of bar membership permitting them to be authorized to practice law. Since authorization to practice as an attorney may vary from state to state, varying documentation may demonstrate that an attorney meets the job qualifications as a Federal attorney. At a minimum the documentation must show:

The Attorney is currently authorized to practice law within their bar licensing state or other applicable jurisdiction.

If a state jurisdiction allows the attorney to practice law in their state as an attorney for a Federal government entity in an inactive status, the documentation submitted in this respect should clearly state this.

The employee will submit appropriate documentation no later than July 31st, of each year. Managers will certify that they have received this information on the Annual Certification to Practice Law and maintain a copy in the Employee Performance File (EPF). See Exhibit 6.338.1-1 for an example of the certification document.

Determination of the level of authority that will receive and maintain the immediate manager’s annual certification will be made by the BOD.

Bar membership certification involving bargaining unit employees is subject to the procedures outlined in the Memorandum of Understanding implemented effective June 29th, 2009.

Minimum Education and Experience Requirements for Attorneys (General)

The minimum education requirement for the General Attorney Series GS-905-09 is the first professional law degree (LL. B or J. D.).

The minimum education and experience requirements for the General Attorney GS-905-11 are:

GS-09 requirement plus one year of professional legal experience; 또는.

GS-09 requirement plus the second professional law degree, Masters of Law (L. L.M) which requires one full year of graduate study.

For GS-905-12 to GS-905-15 General Attorney Positions: Professional experience following law school will be considered in determining the appropriate grade level for which an applicant is qualified. In addition, consistent with Group Coverage Standards for General Schedule Positions, the following experience is required:

GS-12 – 1 year of specialized experience that is typically in or related to the work of the position to be filled and equivalent to the next lower grade.

GS-13 – 1 year of specialized experience that is typically in or related to the work of the position to be filled and equivalent to the next lower grade.

GS-14 – 1 year of specialized experience that is typically in or related to the work of the position to be filled and equivalent to the next lower grade.

GS-15 – 1 year of specialized experience that is typically in or related to the work of the position to be filled and equivalent to the next lower grade.

Standardized competencies have not been developed for all attorney positions. Specific competencies should be developed based on the position to be filled as appropriate.

Education and Experience Requirements for the GS-905 (Estate Tax) Attorneys.

The minimum education requirement for the GS-905-09 (Estate Tax) Attorney position is the first professional law degree (LL. B or J. D.).

The minimum education and experience requirements for the GS-905-11 (Estate Tax) Attorney position are:

GS-09 requirement plus one year of professional legal experience; 또는.

GS-09 requirement plus the second professional law degree (LL. M.), which requires one full year of graduate study; 또는.

GS-09 requirement plus successful completion of a minimum of 24 semester hours (or 36 quarter hours) in accounting and auditing subjects at a member or associate member school of the American Association of Collegiate Schools of Business, or at a residence school above the high school level; 또는.

GS-09 requirement plus the possession of a certificate as Certified Public Accountant obtained through written examination in a State, Territory or the District of Columbia, provided the certificate number, date, place of issuance, and whether the certificate was obtained through written examination are clearly stated in the application.

Applicants may also qualify for the GS-905-11 (Estate Tax) Attorney position if the first professional law degree (LL. B or J. D.) is acquired and the applicant’s record shows superior law student work or activities, as demonstrated by one of the following:

Academic standing in the upper third of the law school graduating class; 또는.

Work or achievement of significance on the law school’s official law review; 또는.

Special high-level honors for academic excellence in law school, such as election to the Order of the Coif; 또는.

Winning of a moot court competition or membership on the moot court team which represents the law school in competition with other law schools; 또는.

Full-time or continuous participation during at least one school year in legal aid program as opposed to one-time, intermittent, or casual participation; 또는.

Summer law office clerk experience which involved legal or quasi-legal, not clerical, work; 또는.

Other equivalent evidence of clearly superior achievement.

Minimum education and experience requirements for positions above GS-11 are the requirements for the next lower grade, plus one-year experience in Federal Estate Tax work at, or comparable to the next lower grade.

When all the following conditions are met, certain experience gained in the Internal Revenue Service may also be accepted as qualifying for the GS-905 (Estate Tax) Attorney positions, GS-11 and GS-12.

Employee’s educational attainments, or experience, or combination of the two, substantially exceed those required at the next lower grade under these standards and clearly indicate ability to perform work of the type to be assigned. Such education and/or experience (e. g. as a Revenue Agent, Special Agent, Revenue Officer, or Supervisory Tax Technician, etc.) must be evaluated on its individual merit with respect to the duties, degree of independence, and responsibility typical of the level of the position to be filled; 과.

Employee meets the minimum requirements for appointment to the GS-905 (Estate Tax) Attorney position (i. e., the first professional law degree - LL. B or J. D. - plus admission to the bar of the type that authorizes the practice of law); 과.

Employee has a minimum of 3 years of professional or quasi-professional experience, at least six months of which must have been at the same grade level of the position to be filled; 과.

Employee has the background, ability, and interest to perform satisfactorily the duties of the position to be filled.

If after lateral appointment is made under the above conditions, the employee appointed will be expected to clearly demonstrate his/her ability to perform the work of his/her new position in a satisfactory and professional manner before he/she is promoted to a higher-graded GS-905 (Estate Tax) Attorney position.

Duties, Knowledges, Skills and Abilities for GS-905 (Estate Tax) Attorneys.

Attorneys (Estate Tax) and Law Clerks (Estate Tax) generally determine the liability for Federal Estate and Gift taxes. Successful performance as an Attorney (Estate Tax) requires the knowledge of and the ability to interpret and apply State and local laws in determining property or property interests included in a deceased person’s estate and Federal laws and regulations relating to estate and gift tax.

The Attorney (Estate Tax) must use:

Knowledge of business, financial and accounting and property appraisal methods for the valuation of real and personal property and other property interests of the deceased person;

Ability to analyze numerous facts and allegations and determine their acceptability and completeness;

Ability to search for, locate and develop information from a wide variety of sources (legal documents and records, realtors, attorneys, accountants, members of the decedent’s family, appraisers; etc.);

Ability to apply judgment and make decisions in determining liability for Federal Estate and Gift taxes while making proper legal references to court decisions, precedent, etc;

Skill in oral and written expression to report, explain and convince others with regard to all significant findings; 과.

Effectiveness in personal contacts.

Standard Oral Interview for GS-905 (Estate Tax) Attorneys.

Candidates who meet the minimum education requirements will be required to report for an interview to determine whether they possess the personal qualities essential to successful performance in the position. The interview findings will be based on the observance and evaluation of highly important personal characteristics. (The final rating on the interview will not take into account the applicant's technical knowledge of a subject or employment history).

Notice will be given in advance of the date and place of the standard interview. Candidates may be required to pay their own expenses for any travel necessary for these interviews.

Only those applicants who affirmatively demonstrate the personal qualities necessary for successful performance of the duties of the position will be determined eligible for appointment.

Qualification Inquiry for GS-905 (Estate Tax) Attorneys.

The qualification inquiry by means of personal investigation or by voucher may be conducted during the rating process.

The inquiry is designed to secure information needed to assist in the determination of the quality level of the applicant's experience, general suitability for Federal employment, and the appropriate number of bonus points to be assigned.

Inquiry shall be made of a minimum of three persons who have personal knowledge of the applicant's work or educational background. Present supervisors shall not be contacted if the applicant indicates that such contact shall not be made. If less than three persons are available, an explanation of the fact must be entered in the record.

Minimum Education and Experience Requirements for Law Clerk.

There are no separate standards for the position of Law Clerk, GS-904. Applicants who meet all requirements except for bar membership may be appointed to the position of Law Clerk, GS-904. Applicants so appointed must be admitted to the bar within 14 months or be separated.

Determining the Normal Line of Progression.

In some instances, there may not be a position one grade lower in the normal line of progression or the organization may not have a position that is one level lower than the position to be filled. In such instances, for internal placement actions only, one year of specialized experience equivalent to the second lower level within the organization is creditable. For outside applicants (i. e., those without current or prior Federal competitive or excepted service), one year of specialized experience equivalent to at least the next lower level is required. This guidance is based on the OPM Qualification Standards for GS Positions, Policies and Instructions, Section E, Paragraph 3(o). In determining whether there is a position at the next lower level in the normal line of progression, the organizational structure is considered. The organizational structure is defined as the organizational entity under the immediate supervisory position. This provision addresses positions properly classified within existing organizations:

If a position to be filled is supervisory, the organizational entity is the unit directly under that supervisory position. Within this entity, any position one grade lower and directly subordinate to the supervisory position is in the normal line of progression, if the experience in the subordinate position is qualifying for the position (e. g., a Unit Manager position is vacant, the positions within that Unit constitute the organizational entity, or a Section Chief position is vacant, the positions within that section constitute the organizational entity).

If the position to be filled is non-supervisory, the organizational entity is the unit under the immediate supervisor of the position to be filled. Within this entity, any position one grade lower than the position to be filled is in the normal line of progression if the experience in the subordinate position is qualifying for the position to be filled.

Though a position may exist in the next lower level within an organization, the position must also be qualifying for the position to be filled. If it is not, then a second lower banded/graded position may be used.

Based on OPM's Qualification Standards for General Schedule Positions, Policies and Instructions, Section E, Paragraph 3(n): One year specialized experience provision for banded positions--If groups of positions have been placed in pay or grade bands that group two or more GS grades together, HCO, ETS, EOs will need to define the type and level of experience required to perform the work of the position to be filled. Positions in the DM and SM paybands are defined by supervisory knowledge, abilities and skills. The level of experience required to perform the work of the position to be filled is determined by the placement in the organization, within the payband, and the level of progressively responsible experience in the managerial field. Applicants need only one year of the identified experience, either equivalent to a lower level within the band or to the next lower level band. Employees entering a position in a payband that encompasses a single GS grade or two or more GS grades must:

Have at least one year specialized experience equivalent to the next lower payband or grade; 과.

Meet the required quality and level of experience to be eligible to compete for jobs in the next higher-level payband.

Below are examples of qualification determinations when there is no position at the next lower level in the normal line of progression within an organizational structure:

Example 1 : The business unit has a vacant IR-332-06 (FM-12) frontline manager position in the Mainframe Operations Branch. There is no intervening IR-07 (FM-11) or GS-11 in the normal line of progression in the Mainframe Operations Branch. An IR-332-08 (FM-10) Frontline Manager can be promoted to the IR-332-06 (FM-12) position, provided he/she has one year of specialized experience equivalent to the IR-08.

Example 2 : The business unit has a vacant frontline manager position, IR-962-07 (FM-11) in the Accounts Management Operations Unit. There is no intervening IR-08 (FM-10) or GS-10 in the normal line of progression in the Accounts Management Operations Unit. A Lead GS-962-09 can be promoted to the IR-962-07 (FM-11) position, provided he/she has one year of specialized experience equivalent to the IR-09.

Example 3 : An IR-09 (FM-09) frontline manager applies for a vacant IR-340-02 DM position (encompasses GS-11, 12, & 13) located in the Compliance Services Operations Department. To qualify the IR-09 (FM-09) must possess one-year of specialized experience equivalent to next lower level of the IR-340-02 position, which would be IR-08 (FM-10) or GS-10. However, there is no intervening IR-08 or GS-10 in the normal line of progression under the DM position, the IR-09 (FM-09) is eligible and can be promoted into the vacant IR-340-02 DM position provided he/she meets the specialized experience and the quality and level of experience required to compete at the next higher-level payband.

Qualifications for IRS Payband System Positions.

As required by 5 USC § 9509(b)(3), employees covered under the IRS Payband System are to be treated as if they are GS employees for the purpose of applying other laws and regulations governing GS employees, except as otherwise provided in 65 FR 79433, OPM Criteria for IRS Broadbanding Systems. The IRS Payband System covers the Senior Manager (SM), Department Manager (DM), and Frontline Manager (FM) paybands as follows:

SM – multi-graded payband that encompasses second level managerial positions and first level managerial positions that report directly to a member of the Senior Executive Service and formerly classified at the GS-14 and 15 grade levels.

DM – multi-graded payband that encompasses second level managerial positions located in the Service Centers and formerly classified at the GS-11, 12 and 13 grade levels.

FM – single-graded paybands that encompass managerial positions not covered under the SM or DM paybands and formerly classified at the GS-5 through 15 grade levels.

In accordance with OPM’s OPM's Qualification Standards for General Schedule Positions and Supervisory Guide, employees must demonstrate in their work experience and/or training that they possess the ability to perform successfully the duties of a specific supervisory position, and must demonstrate the ability to acquire the particular knowledge, skills and competencies for successful performance.

Time-in-grade requirements do not apply under the IRS Payband System. Time-in-band is not applicable.

Specialized Experience.

Movement from one payband to another payband, or from a GS grade into a payband that encompasses one or more GS grade levels, requires one year of specialized experience equivalent to the next lower level payband or GS grade in the normal line of progression. Specialized experience must demonstrate the knowledge, skills, and abilities necessary for successful job performance and is typically in or related to the work of the position to be filled.

Certification Process for Qualifying Campus Department Managers for Senior Manager Positions in the 340/343 Series.

A process has been established for the BOD Embedded HR Director(s) to certify that the specialized experience of a Campus DM IR-340-02 Program Manager position is qualifying experience for the IR-340-01 and IR-343-01 SM positions. By signing and dating the Certification Statement for Campus Department Managers in Exhibit 6.338.1-2, the Embedded HR Director(s) where the DM position is located, is certifying that the specialized experience in the IR-340-02 position is qualifying for IR-340-01 and IR-343-01 SM positions and that the candidates with one year of DM experience:

Possess the necessary level of management skills, abilities, and attributes to successfully perform the work of the position; 과.

Possess the necessary level of professional/technical competence for the position.

This certification should be retained within the BODs and with the HCO, ETS, EOs to support these qualification determinations. Upon certification of qualifying experience, HCO, ETS, EOs document the DM applicant’s possession of the required one year specialized experience during the rating process on a qualification sheet.

This signed certification statement applies only to IR-340-02, Program Managers who are applying for IR-340-01 or IR-343-01 SM positions. It is important to note that DM candidates, who are determined minimally qualified using this certification process, will be qualified for IR-340-01 and IR-343-01 SM positions Servicewide.

Servicing HCO, ETS, EOs are responsible for ensuring and documenting that each DM applicant possesses the required one year of specialized experience. Thus, for competitive actions, servicing HCO, ETS, EOs must include the following in each merit promotion package:

A statement that indicates the certification was used along with the OPM OPM's Qualification Standards for General Schedule Positions to determine if each applicant met the minimum qualification requirements of the position;

A copy of the signed certification statement; 과.

A qualification sheet for each applicant, annotated to reflect the certification was utilized to assist the rater in making the minimum qualification determination.

For competitive and non-competitive actions, the remarks section for the Personnel Action Request (PAR) should be annotated to reflect the certification process was utilized in making the qualification determination.

Management Selection Program for Payband Positions.

IRM 6.335.1.22, Management Selection Program (MSP), outlines the competitive process for employees who apply for IRS payband positions through the MSP process. HCO, ETS, EOs must follow this staffing qualification guidance for selection of all temporary and permanent managers (except Executives) Servicewide who apply through MSP.

Highest Previous Rate and Temporary Promotions in the Payband.

Highest Previous Rate will not be used to set pay upon termination of a temporary promotion into or out of a position covered by the IRS Payband System, regardless of the length of the temporary promotion. Upon termination of the temporary promotion, pay will be set as if the temporary promotion had not occurred. Refer to the IRS Pay Setting Guide, Chapter 11, Paybands, the Frontline Manager Payband Pay Administration Guidance, dated December 29, 2005 (amended July 2006), and the Senior Manager and Department Manager Paybands Pay Administration Guidance dated March 19, 2006, for additional guidance.

Maximum Entry Age Restrictions.

5 USC § 3307(d) prohibits the establishment of a maximum entry age for Federal positions, except as provided below.

5 USC § 3307 authorizes the head of an agency to establish a maximum entry age for original appointment to positions of law enforcement officers or firefighters; 과.

29 USC § 633a permits agencies to establish a maximum age requirement only in instances where they have proven to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission that age is a bona fide occupational qualification necessary for the performance of the duties of a particular position.

5 USC § 3312 (a)(1) requires federal agencies to waive maximum age rules for veterans' preference-eligible applicants unless the age requirement is essential to the performance of the work.

Treasury has determined that individuals selected for Criminal Investigator or law enforcement positions will not exceed a maximum age entry requirement of 36 years of age on the date of their selection. The date immediately preceding the individual’s 37th birthday will be the final date for selection. Preference eligibles described in (2) above are allowed to apply and be considered regardless of age.

Minimum Entry Age Restrictions.

5 USC § 3301 authorizes the establishment of a minimum entry age for Federal positions. Unless otherwise specified, applicants for positions in the Service must be at least 18 years of age, or 16 years of age with the following conditions:

Have graduated from high school or been awarded a certificate equivalent to graduating from high school; 또는.

Have completed a formal vocational training program; 또는.

Have received a statement from school authorities agreeing with their preference for employment rather than continuing their education; 또는.

Be currently enrolled in a secondary school and either work only during school vacation periods or work part-time during the school year under a formal student employment program.

Additional information relating to minimum entry age requirements can be found in the OPM's Qualification Standards for General Schedule Positions (Policies and Instructions, Other requirements or provisions), and 5 CFR § 551.601.

Physical and Medical Standards (General)

Information pertaining to medical and physical qualifications required of certain occupations can be located in IRM 6.339.1 , Medical Qualification Determination Requirements, 5 CFR Part 339, and 5 CFR Part 930.

Motor Vehicle Operators.

Detailed qualification standards for motor vehicle operators and incidental motor vehicle operators can be found in the OPM's Qualification Standards for General Schedule Positions Handbook.

Medical and physical requirements for motor vehicle operators are located in IRM 6.339.1, Medical Qualification Determination Requirements.

Annual Certification to Practice Law.

Certification Statement for Campus Department Managers.

This certification will be used in conjunction with OPM’s Qualification Standard for General Schedule Positions and the OPM Supervisory Guide.

Job qualification system for trades and labor occupations.

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Federal Qualification Standards.


Page updated 10/12/2017.

Federal Government Jobs / Civil Service Jobs / Qualification Standards.

Use this information to explore occupations of interest and to determine the qualifications necessary for all pay grades within each job series. The qualification standards also help federal employees explore opportunities to meet their Individual Development Plan's (IDPs) short and long term career goals.

The General Schedule and Wage Grade Qualification Standards are linked direct to the Office of Personnel Management's (OPMs) web site for the most up-to-date information available. Hundreds of occupations are classified under Group Standards. Groups standards are listed for each major occupational group if applicable. For example, you will find group standards for Engineering positions, administrative & management, and all other occupations here.

Classification Standards Menu.

General Schedule (GS) Occupational Group.

Use the following table to like direct to the official published standards by OPM. If you are looking for the standard for the GS-343 for example, first click on the 0300 listing on this table. You will be linked direct to the entire 0300 family listing that includes the GS-0343 standard.

If a series is not included in this list, we have not issued a specific classification standard for that series. Documents on the Classifying White Collar Positions webpage provide series definitions and guidance on classifying positions in series with no published standard.

Miscellaneous Occupations Group.

Social Science, Psychology, and Welfare Group.

Human Resources Management Group.

General Administrative, Clerical, and Office Services Group.

Natural Resources Management and Biological Sciences Group.

Accounting and Budget Group.

Medical, Hospital, Dental, and Public Health Group.

Veterinary Medical Science Group.

Engineering and Architecture Group.

Legal and Kindred Group.

Information and Arts Group.

Business and Industry Group.

Copyright, Patent, and Trademark Group.

Physical Sciences Group.

Library and Archives Group.

Mathematics and Statistics Group.

Equipment, Facilities, and Services Group.

Inspection, Investigation, Enforcement, and Compliance Group.

Quality Assurance, Inspection, and Grading Group.

Information Technology Group.

Wage Grade (WG) Classification Standards.

Use the following table to link direct to the official published standards by OPM. If you are looking for the standard for the WG-2606 Electronic Industrial Controls Mechanic for example, first click on the 2600 listing on this table. You will be linked direct to the entire 2600 family listing that includes the WG-2606 standard.

If a series is not included in this list, a specific job grading standard for that series has not been issued. Documents on the Classifying Trades, Craft, and Labor Positions webpage provide series definitions and guidance on classifying jobs in series with no published standard.

Wire Communications Equipment Installation and Maintenance Group.

Electronic Equipment Installation and Maintenance Group.

Electrical Installation and Maintenance Group.

Fabric and Leather Work Group.

Instrument Work Group.

Machine Tool Work Group.

General Services and Support Work Group.

Structural and Finishing Work Group.

Metal Processing Group.

Metal Work Group.

Motion Picture, Radio, Television, and Sound Equipment Operating Group.

Painting and Paperhanging Group.

Plumbing and Pipefitting Group.

Pliable Materials Work Group.

Wood Work Group.

General Maintenance and Operations Work Group.

General Equipment Maintenance Group.

Plant and Animal Work Group.

Miscellaneous Occupations Group.

Industrial Equipment Maintenance Group.

Industrial Equipment Operation Group.

Transportation/Mobile Equipment Operation Group.

Transportation/Mobile Equipment Maintenance Group.

Ammunition, Explosives, and Toxic Materials Work Group.

Armament Work Group.

Warehousing and Stock Handling Group.

Packing and Processing Group.

Laundry, Dry Cleaning, and Pressing Group.

Food Preparation and Serving Group.

Personal Services Group.

Fluid Systems Maintenance Group.

Engine Overhaul Group.

Aircraft Overhaul Group.

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Federal Qualification Standards.


Page updated 10/12/2017.

Federal Government Jobs / Civil Service Jobs / Qualification Standards.

Use this information to explore occupations of interest and to determine the qualifications necessary for all pay grades within each job series. The qualification standards also help federal employees explore opportunities to meet their Individual Development Plan's (IDPs) short and long term career goals.

The General Schedule and Wage Grade Qualification Standards are linked direct to the Office of Personnel Management's (OPMs) web site for the most up-to-date information available. Hundreds of occupations are classified under Group Standards. Groups standards are listed for each major occupational group if applicable. For example, you will find group standards for Engineering positions, administrative & management, and all other occupations here.

Classification Standards Menu.

General Schedule (GS) Occupational Group.

Use the following table to like direct to the official published standards by OPM. If you are looking for the standard for the GS-343 for example, first click on the 0300 listing on this table. You will be linked direct to the entire 0300 family listing that includes the GS-0343 standard.

If a series is not included in this list, we have not issued a specific classification standard for that series. Documents on the Classifying White Collar Positions webpage provide series definitions and guidance on classifying positions in series with no published standard.

Miscellaneous Occupations Group.

Social Science, Psychology, and Welfare Group.

Human Resources Management Group.

General Administrative, Clerical, and Office Services Group.

Natural Resources Management and Biological Sciences Group.

Accounting and Budget Group.

Medical, Hospital, Dental, and Public Health Group.

Veterinary Medical Science Group.

Engineering and Architecture Group.

Legal and Kindred Group.

Information and Arts Group.

Business and Industry Group.

Copyright, Patent, and Trademark Group.

Physical Sciences Group.

Library and Archives Group.

Mathematics and Statistics Group.

Equipment, Facilities, and Services Group.

Inspection, Investigation, Enforcement, and Compliance Group.

Quality Assurance, Inspection, and Grading Group.

Information Technology Group.

Wage Grade (WG) Classification Standards.

Use the following table to link direct to the official published standards by OPM. If you are looking for the standard for the WG-2606 Electronic Industrial Controls Mechanic for example, first click on the 2600 listing on this table. You will be linked direct to the entire 2600 family listing that includes the WG-2606 standard.

If a series is not included in this list, a specific job grading standard for that series has not been issued. Documents on the Classifying Trades, Craft, and Labor Positions webpage provide series definitions and guidance on classifying jobs in series with no published standard.

Wire Communications Equipment Installation and Maintenance Group.

Electronic Equipment Installation and Maintenance Group.

Electrical Installation and Maintenance Group.

Fabric and Leather Work Group.

Instrument Work Group.

Machine Tool Work Group.

General Services and Support Work Group.

Structural and Finishing Work Group.

Metal Processing Group.

Metal Work Group.

Motion Picture, Radio, Television, and Sound Equipment Operating Group.

Painting and Paperhanging Group.

Plumbing and Pipefitting Group.

Pliable Materials Work Group.

Wood Work Group.

General Maintenance and Operations Work Group.

General Equipment Maintenance Group.

Plant and Animal Work Group.

Miscellaneous Occupations Group.

Industrial Equipment Maintenance Group.

Industrial Equipment Operation Group.

Transportation/Mobile Equipment Operation Group.

Transportation/Mobile Equipment Maintenance Group.

Ammunition, Explosives, and Toxic Materials Work Group.

Armament Work Group.

Warehousing and Stock Handling Group.

Packing and Processing Group.

Laundry, Dry Cleaning, and Pressing Group.

Food Preparation and Serving Group.

Personal Services Group.

Fluid Systems Maintenance Group.

Engine Overhaul Group.

Aircraft Overhaul Group.

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